What Femimore® really is

And what is not

Femimore is not just a pill. Femimore is not a herbal supplement either. Femimore is not artificial. Femimore is not a purely chemical compound. Femimore is not a hormone, a phyto-hormone or work on the hormonal system. Femimore is not just an e-book. Femimore is not a cheap supplement. Femimore is not a herbal formula created by a professional or amateur herbalist. Femimore is not a weight loss or weight gain pill either. Femimore is certainly not one more pill sold online by an online pharmacy or supplements site. Now, knowing what is not lets see what Femimore really is:

A unique treatment

with unique results


Femimore results

Femimore is a scientifically developed, biotechnically enhanced, parmaceutically produced and medically backed non surgical treatment with unique results in body shape enhancement. It is recognized by Aesthetic Medicine Clinics and specialized doctors as the only truly effective method to enhance the gluteii area. It has become commonly known as the "get a bigger and perkier butt" method or the "brazilian super butt" system.

Femimore is an Integrated Reshape Program created by Amazonas BioTechnical Laboratories and recently enhanced and further developed in partnership with Habu Scientific Laboratories. In its professional presentation/packing Femimore is used as part of complete reshape treatments by Aesthetic Medicine clinics and Specialized Doctors as well as sold through selected VIP Image Consultant companies in many countries. A personalized presentation/packing of Femimore is also sold to worldwide users at the Amazonas BioTechnical Laboratories Online ReShape Catalog.

The Femimore Reshape Program is based on two types of pills, dietary and lifestyle advice and a workout simplified plan. The two types of pills are a main active substance and an activator. The formulation is proprietary and not disclosed as it happens with many successful products secret formulas (i.e. Coca-cola or some specific biomedical products). This has been done not only for marketing protection but also for protecting the fragile environment where grow some plants and flowers used in the process.  The chemical analysis of the pills is available showing that there are no hormonal, chemical or allergenic compounds in the composition of the pills.

The main active substance is extracted through pharmaceutical process from a flower native to the Amazon River Basin in Brazil which is carefully and organically cultivated at the Amazonas BioTech Botanical Units in Brazil and Thailand. The substance is greatly purified and separated from other compounds in the flower, originating a pure active substance of pharmaceutical grade which is combined with carrier substances of extreme purity. The activator contains a combination of active ingredients which activate and enhance the biological activity of the main substance. The main substance effect in the body is that of increasing localized muscular development and the production of thin and compact fat layers in the proximity of those muscles, reducing at the same time the expanded cells of fat tissues (flaccid fat) in the area.

The dietary and lifestyle advice is directed to enhance the health balance and nutritional condition of the user of Femimore and to regulate the daily metabolism. These easy to follow steps are comfortably integrated in most lifestyles and diets. The workouts indicated, have been simplified for efficiently target the musculature in the hips, waist and gluteus and can also be integrated with no effort in a daily routine. With all its simplicity and easy integration, the dietary, lifestyle and workout program are powerful allies and participant factors in the efficiency of the pills and in the whole Femimore ReShape Program, science and biomedical research show that there are no pills in existence that may change your shape in any possible way unless the right nutrition and the right muscular development are taken into consideration.